Take multiple photos of your plant, upload it, let us identify it, and view the result in seconds. This web demo enables you to identify up to 5 plants per week for free.

Plant.id can identify more than 12,000 plant taxons, including flowers, trees, bushes, fungi, and lichens from all over the world. Besides the Latin name, we will also give you common names, brief description, and taxonomy of your plant.

Pests, fungal disease, or an over-watered plant? Plant.id Health Assessment feature can tell the difference! Our model recognizes 100 different diseases (such as thrips, powdery mildew, and nutrient deficiency). To see how it works, just click on the icon of the unhealthy plant after you made your identification.

We use cutting-edge methods of machine learning (AKA artificial intelligence) and train customized deep convolutional neural networks to ensure the best possible results. We estimate that in 90% of cases, we offer the right answer. Check our blog for a more detailed evaluation.
Plant.id LINK can be found at bottom of the homepage for easy access